Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Tips to Avoid Cybercrime

The month of October is celebrated as the Cyber-Security Awareness Month by the MoH (Ministry of Home Affairs). In order to promote more awareness regarding cyber security and safety among fellow netizens, the cyber security handle of the MoH has shared a few tips on Twitter. These important tips aim in helping the internet users keep alert and avoid digital frauds, suggest the top criminal lawyers in Delhi.

These tips include keeping your operating system and antivirus in your computer and smartphone up-to-date to changing your passwords periodically. These tips were shared in several posts on microblogging platform. Here are those seven tips that were provided by the cyber security handle of the Moh.
• Keep your operating system and antivirus updates in your computer and your smartphone or any other device that you use to access the internet.
• Backup your important and sensitive data regularly at regular intervals, and keep that backup hard drive secure.
• Be highly careful when you are accessing suspicious website links or URLs.
• Keep your password and PIN code confidential.
• Keep changing your account passwords periodically and avoid using the same password in more than one account.
• Use string passwords that has a combination of numbers, upper- and lower- care characters, and special characters.
• Use the latest and updated security tools such as anti virus software and firewall in order to protect your privacy and critical data.
• Never share your bank account details and card details over phone calls. And make payments only through authorized sources.

Monday, 19 October 2020

How To Find Best Divorce Lawyer In New Delhi

Over half of all marriages end in divorce. We as a whole know individuals who recorded, endure and flourish today .But a few of us are ready. Even in the best family circumstances, with immaculate intentions, preparing for adversity is a wise choice when separation becomes eminent. In addition, there are legal, financial, parental and practical challenges that require time, energy and changes in responsibilities. It can take people years to recover equilibrium. Nevertheless, divorce serves an important function legally and emotionally. Choosing a separation legal lawyer need great exploration and meetings. Every divorce lawyers are good in their own way. Divorce lawyer give advice to people about the law and speak for them in court. In Delhi there are different procedures for filing divorce petition for which we need a good and qualify divorce lawyers. Here through this article we will help with some guidelines for finding the best divorce lawyer in New Delhi.

Search through online portals- you will find various different online portals websites which offer divorce lawyer’s services. You can recruit online from Delhi. There will be fixed cost if you’re looking for advice from divorce lawyers. These portals will provide you limited time for providing you suggestions.

Find in relatives- find someone in your relation, if your relatives know someone. If you got someone from the same profession, you can take guidance from them. There are some other people like friends, legal advisors, and law students etc who will guide you to find a good lawyer for your divorce.

Search online- if your offline strategy fails, at that point move to online media stages. You have to just look over social media for “lawyers in New Delhi”. You will get some really good lawyers on social media. There you can watch the profile and work experience of divorce lawyers.

Analyze at least three potential attorneys- don’t jump to hire the first lawyer you meet, they are not all the same. Find at least three divorce lawyers that you can interview before making your decision. Clearly, you need to hire a lawyer that specializes in family law and one that’s experienced in the specific type of divorce you think is best for you.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Alimony: Factors Influencing the Amount and Duration of Alimony

When a couple is married, they have a moral and legal obligation to support one another. this doesn’t necessarily have to end with divorce though. As per the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, a person’s right of maintenance would extend to any person who is economically dependent on his/her marriage. It includes, therefore, husband and wife both, as well as dependent children and indigent parents too.

The alimony claim of either spouse, however, would depend on the other spouse having the sufficient means to provide such alimony. While deciding on the payment for alimony, the divorce lawyers in Delhi suggests, the court would be taking into account and consider the spouse’soverall earning potential, as well as his/her ability to regenerate his/her fortune and clear his/her liabilities.

In case of contested divorces, the alimony and its tenure and amount depend mostly on how long the marriage lasted. A divorce that took place after a decade of being married to that person would entitle his/her spouse to receive a lifelong alimony. The law firms in Delhi lists these essential factors that determine the amount and tenure of alimony:
  • Age of the dependent spouse (i.e. the person who would be receiving the alimony)
  • The health condition of both the spouses (medical condition or failing health of the spouse that would be receiving the alimony might act in his/her favor. They might be able to claim a larger amount of alimony on basis of his/her failing health).
  • Economic condition or overall earnings of the spouse who would be providing the alimony.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Surviving Marriage During This Coronavirus Lockdown

We are all stuck indoors due to the COVID-19. Keeping indoors means keeping ourselves as well as other safe, including family members, frontline-workers, and friends & neighbors. Staying indoors means being self-quarantines with family members. This personal one-on-one time could have positive as well as negative repercussions.

This means much more amount of quality time with the people that we love, but it also means living in such close quarters that it might cause some strife too. After all, we are likely not used to getting stuck indoors, for extended periods of time, without any distractions.

Such circumstances, however, doesn’t at all mean that one’s marriage has to end, or a family needs to break up simply because things had gotten tough. There’s a lot of different ways that people can stay mentally and physically healthy, while keeping their relationships intact. A divorce lawyer in Delhi suggests the following tips to help survive marriage during quarantine.

Be Thankful

Time are definitely rough right now. However, it is important that we remember to be thankful for our health. For a lot of people, it might be overwhelming to be constantly around their spouse throughout the day, but the fact that really matters is that you are able to spend time with your significant other. There are many people right now who are stuck away from home, and can’t be with their loved ones. So, it would really help learn more about one another and appreciate each other, if you start and end your day by expressing to your spouse that you are thankful for having each other and for having good health.

Use Teletherapy

Talking to someone, especially a professional/specialist, about marital issues, is probably the best thing that struggling couples can do. There are marriage therapists, psychologists, licensed counselors, and even divorce lawyer Rajouri Garden whose jobs are helping couples through such tough times. It is always helpful to have neutral 3rd party who could look at your problems and relationship with their critical lens and help figure out the best possible way through such problems.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Qualities That All Good Lawyers Must Have

The skills that are needed for one’s ideal career is something that can be worked on and developed over time. As it is commonly said: Practice makes Perfect! Here are some skills and qualities that one must consider to while working on becoming a successful lawyer:

Communication Skills
Advocates need to be orally articulate, be good listeners, and have good written-communication skills. To argue in the courtroom, in a convincing manner, before the judges and jury members, good public-speaking skills are vital, suggests the best family lawyer in Delhi. Communication and public speaking skills could be developed during the study years by participating in activities like general public speaking, debates and mooting.

Ability to draw logical and reasonable assumptions or conclusions from limited amount of info is vital for a good lawyer. A good lawyer should be able to take into considerations such judgements critically, in order to anticipate the potential areas of weaknesses in the argument that need to be fortified against.
In a similar manner, one must be able to identify the weak points in the arguments of the opposition. Decisiveness is an important part of judgement.

Analytical skills
Study as well as the practice of law involves absorbing huge quantities of info, then also having to distil the same into something that’s logical and manageable.
There would be times when there would be more than a single reasonable conclusion, or there could be multiple precedent applicable to resolving the given situation. A good lawyer would need good evaluative skills to determine the most suitable path to choose.