Saturday, 16 May 2020

Surviving Marriage During This Coronavirus Lockdown

We are all stuck indoors due to the COVID-19. Keeping indoors means keeping ourselves as well as other safe, including family members, frontline-workers, and friends & neighbors. Staying indoors means being self-quarantines with family members. This personal one-on-one time could have positive as well as negative repercussions.

This means much more amount of quality time with the people that we love, but it also means living in such close quarters that it might cause some strife too. After all, we are likely not used to getting stuck indoors, for extended periods of time, without any distractions.

Such circumstances, however, doesn’t at all mean that one’s marriage has to end, or a family needs to break up simply because things had gotten tough. There’s a lot of different ways that people can stay mentally and physically healthy, while keeping their relationships intact. A divorce lawyer in Delhi suggests the following tips to help survive marriage during quarantine.

Be Thankful

Time are definitely rough right now. However, it is important that we remember to be thankful for our health. For a lot of people, it might be overwhelming to be constantly around their spouse throughout the day, but the fact that really matters is that you are able to spend time with your significant other. There are many people right now who are stuck away from home, and can’t be with their loved ones. So, it would really help learn more about one another and appreciate each other, if you start and end your day by expressing to your spouse that you are thankful for having each other and for having good health.

Use Teletherapy

Talking to someone, especially a professional/specialist, about marital issues, is probably the best thing that struggling couples can do. There are marriage therapists, psychologists, licensed counselors, and even divorce lawyer Rajouri Garden whose jobs are helping couples through such tough times. It is always helpful to have neutral 3rd party who could look at your problems and relationship with their critical lens and help figure out the best possible way through such problems.

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